Karen Fiorito

‘The Obstructionists’ is about how the GOP has become the ‘Party of No.’ The Republicans have obstructed and continue to obstruct our rights to universal health care, covid relief, reproductive rights, voting rights, immigration reform, police reform, social security, school lunches, medicare, medicaid, a wealth tax, gun control legislation, LGTBQ rights, and the 2020 election.

‘Separate the Church and State’ is about how religion has no place in government. I compare the extremist religious members of the Supreme Court to the Taliban because they are just as oppressive and just as dangerous to women. The First Amendment bars the government from creating an established church or showing preference to a certain religion. Separation of Church and State is a founding principle of our democracy and “deeply rooted in National Tradition.” We must keep it that way. Vote.

'UNITY’ represents 5 hands of different skin tones spelling the word unity in American Sign Language with a rainbow starburst background. This mural is a call for people of every race, creed, gender, ability or disability to come together.

‘The Obstructionists’ is about how the GOP has become the ‘Party of No.’ The Republicans have obstructed and continue to obstruct our rights to universal health care, covid relief, reproductive rights, voting rights, immigration reform, police reform, social security, school lunches, medicare, medicaid, a wealth tax, gun control legislation, LGTBQ rights, and the 2020 election.
Los Angeles-based artist and activist Karen Fiorito designs billboards and murals - which she uses along with social media and interactive websites - to educate the public and to create debate and awareness about important issues concerning the future of our planet.

“Know Your Zoonoses” billboards were installed at 10 locations across the Eagle Rock neighborhood of Los Angeles on April 19, 2021, just in time for Earth Day. These billboards were made possible by a grant from the Puffin Foundation and information supplied by the UK vegan charity Viva!

The VOTE! billboard was designed to remind people that this election is not about party politics or one candidate; it is about voting for the values in which we believe. Whether it is the President of the United States or a local judge, every vote matters.

(2004) Altered Billboard parodying the official motto of the United States.

“Know Your Zoonoses” billboards were installed at 10 locations across the Eagle Rock neighborhood of Los Angeles on April 19, 2021, just in time for Earth Day. These billboards were made possible by a grant from the Puffin Foundation and information supplied by the UK vegan charity Viva!
Fiorito started doing public art in Phoenix, AZ as part of her MFA thesis exhibition. She and Beatrice Moore started the Grand Avenue Billboard Project in 2004 with her 'Dear America' billboard criticizing the Bush administration's war in Iraq. Since then, she has had 10 designs in 34 different locations and formats, including Cape Town, South Africa.